Sunday, August 24, 2014

ballet tech part 2

2 years later...........................................................................................................

I GOT INTO BALLET TECH! EVEN THOUGH I GOT INTO IT 1 YEAR AGO IM GOING INTO 5TH GRADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All Cubed Up

         Once there was a city. It wasn't on earth, for earth had not yet been created. It was on a small cubed planet. The only inhabitants were a small family. Ma, Pa, Chrissy, and Tyler. Each of them had their own house, one on each side. they left the other two sides for visitors. Although it wasn't likely they would have any. Each day, it would rain, and the children would run outside and shout,  "The sky  
is falling! The sky is falling!" Then they would grab their teacups and collect the rain. They would sit down at the tea table and politely ask each other, "Would you like some sky to eat... no drink?" Then they would argue over whether you eat or drink sky. Their parents would come over and scold them for
fighting. At night it would hail and the parents would worry about rogues stomping all over their roof coming to steal their precious children. It happened day and night never stopping. Leading the family to quite a boring life. They longed for some excitement. Someday they would make their own excitement.  But when is someday?

Monday, December 17, 2012

Ballet Tech

So. First, I've got to tell you how this started. I found out that there was an audition for ballet tech in my school tomorrow. Unexpectedly. We did more of stretches and warm-ups, not exactly moves because they probably didn't want us to do steps because they might get less of us because, you know, we might have not learned ballet yet. I walked from my classroom with all of my fellow students and went to the auditorium where we were having auditions. The warm-ups were pretty easy. All we had to do were like the butterfly stretch and point our toes and touch our toes. Soon as our class was going up, the ballet people told me, Kalez, Layla and Zenaida to come. She told us that we got selected to go to the program. She gave us stickers that said ballet tech and that was it.

We went to classes every Monday for 6 weeks. Then only I went for 6 more weeks because I got chosen for the 1st level. Now it's the show of the program.

Well lets say the program was this morning.

Now I'll tell you about the history of ballet tech.  It is the New York City Public School for Dance. Elliot Feld is the founder and artistic director of Ballet Tech. It is in one of the busiest and most well-known theatrical buildings in NYC. 890 Broadway is its location.

I've gotten chosen to apply for Ballet Tech school. The normal subjects are ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies. Some of the more exciting subjects are Spanish and Visual Art. There is a whole summary in the New York Times newspaper about Ballet Tech. It is called Challenging Dancers, Young and Older. Try to look up this title and learn much more about Ballet Tech.

I really hope I get in. My hopes are high and I'm very confident about getting in because my report card is always, always good. And they are depending on what my report card looks like. If you want, visit this school and maybe attend. There is a van that if you live far away from the school, it can take you home. An after school program and much, much more. Look up ballet tech to find more than I've already told you.

Thank you.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

My Dream About Mitt Romney

djdhuujijijclxzeififjixjifdr?!   I don't know about this.                  

It was a DAYdream not a dream.
Heres how it happened:

I woke up on a sunnny saturday. Mom woke me! She said "hun time for school" "but i THOUGHT it was saturday" "well if u must know [sniffle] bbbb.... BARACK OBAMA IS DEAD" "do we still get holidays?" suddenly a hoarse voice from behind me said "NO! what grade are you in?" "third" "when is the standerdized test?" "end of the school year" "no it's today"

                                                   10 minutes later

"nnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"   I said

                                         THE END

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

When Grandma Came

The first thing that my Mom told me was "there is a hurricane coming tomorrow !" I started thinking about it , hmmm... it hit me. "MOM WEDNESDAY IS HALLOWEEN TELL ME THE HURRICANE ISN'T STILL GOING ON WEDNESDAY!" Good thing it wasn't. Almost a week later, my mom told me that Grandma would come on Saturday. Papie would get here on Thursday. I was so excited. That Saturday I saw Grandma after a birthday party. Wednesday my mom and dad would leave for Texas. On Thursday Papie got here. Sunday we stayed at home all day until church. It was a lovely service except nobody sat at the front because we weren't there. Grandma and Papie thought it would be better for Jeannie and her children to sit in the front, but Jeannie and her children didn't sit in the front. Sunday we got presents. Everyone got a recorder, a light-up book, a portrait made out of stickers, and a craft using glue and all of those kinds of things. Me and Tihun had to make a princess doll. Arthur and Solomon had to make vehicles. Saturday we had a bike ride on the Fietsfabriek. After a few hours we went to the playground and rode our own bikes. And Marshall came for lunch.  Monday, good news Mom and Dad got here. Tuesday sadly Grandma and Papie left.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Adaline's Trip to Texas

It was one week before I was going to Texas. The second my dad told me, it was an outburst of happiness. A week later I was packing. In a few hours, I was in the airplane on my way to Texas. I played Mom's old phone and I was sitting next to a nurse. The flight attendant kept checking on me and before we landed they gave me a caramel ice cream. It was fabulous! My grandma and Papie were waiting for me. Papie had some flowers and a balloon. I told them I was so excited. And we were home soon. I told them the plane ride had been spectacular. Grandma showed me her treat pantry and told me whenever I got hungry for a treat I could get one. There was licorice, chocolate, and lots more. I went outside to ride their battery charged buggy. I saw girls playing in the neighbor's pool: three to be exact. A day later they introduced themselves because I was in the pool with Grandma and they came along. We became best buddies. Everyday I would retreat to the pool to play with Christina and two others, nicking treats all the time. Sadly it was the second to last day. I went to the exotic animal farm, held a snake, and petted a baby kangaroo. When we got home, I grabbed some licorice. It was delicious! The last day we went to a pool. I was too scared to go down the water slides, but I went down the lazy river about 20 or 30 times. Before I knew it, we were back to church and then on the airplane. I met mom and hugged her. She didn't recognize me because I had bought clothes and someone was carrying my trunk. I was really tan with a big pink hat. My family praised me when I got home. Arthur and Dad were still in Washington to come back on our birthday. Two days later, Arthur and Dad came back and we hugged them and kissed them because they were home. The next day it was our birthday. We went to Coney Island and got tickets for 4 hours. We had a spectacular time. I went on Floosh 2 times.

The end.